It’s interesting to see how many people think that exercise is boring and such a chore. I was speaking with a lady the other day who told me that she was dedicated to getting in shape and really wanted to make the most of it but her problem was that she actually dislikes exercise so much that after several weeks she falls off the wagon. I thought this was interesting because I absolutely love exercise and get so much enjoyment from working out… some of my clients do think I’m sick in the head because I love Burpees! If you don’t enjoy the type of exercise that you are doing, then more than likely you won’t stick with it longer term. Lifestyles have become hectic. People have super stressful jobs with families and some don’t have even time to be social so why not mix both exercise and socialising together? We all know summer is fast approaching and we want to get in shape as much as possible so I’ve been exploring different options to keep things interesting. Outdoor Group fitness classes- For starters they are outdoor which is the first positive and they a great way to meet people.
They are not only challenging but they are a great way to make friends and there is always lots of social banter with an affordable price tag. At least you are out there having fun with a group of people instead of torturing yourself on your own and struggling to get through your work out. Going to the gym doesn’t have to be boring. Try talking to some of the regulars at your gym and making a few friends. It always helps when you know the people at the gym you are going to. Even get to know the employees and you will feel more comfortable or join a smaller gym where the receptionist would know you by name every time you come in. Also once you get to know some of the other members you can buddy up with them and do work outs together which can be highly motivating. Also start utilising the group classes as well.
The more you go the more likely you will meet people. For those of you that have babies, there are lots of group mother sessions where you can actually take your wee babies with you and you can meet other mothers too. An example is www.fit-mamas.com.au Also looking to meet someone? It might sound corny but internet dating is becoming highly popular… why not try a group such as Fit 2 Date- www.fit2date.com Team sports such as soccer, netball, touch footy and oztag are socialable and the team normally gets a bite to eat after the game for team bonding. As you already know, I play oztag. It’s not only fun but we actually catch up as a team and have dinner together outside of tag. The hard part about exercising is getting there and once you’ve overcome that obstacle you will be glad you did it. It’s your choice so own it!