Bootcamp will not achieve the outcome most of us desire on its own. Eating healthy nutritious food is a very important factor in any program of change. Combine a healthy diet with bootcamp classes will provide great results. When my clients were doing the Own it Fit 6 week challenge, I made sure I was eating the exact same food as they were so that I could feel like I was doing the challenge as well. With feeling so healthy and inspired, I will admit I got creative in the kitchen. Not that I don’t already like cooking but for some reason during the 6 weeks, I felt inspired to try some new things in the kitchen.
Eggs were definitely a breakfast staple. I can eat eggs anytime of the day. I have enjoyed them at brekkie, lunch, dinner or even just a snack and not just while I’m detoxing or on a challenge either. Not so long ago eating eggs had a bit of a bad rap surrounding cholesterol. Poor eggs were misunderstood. The good news is, they have been proven to be very nutritious. They are a well known rich source of protein – amazing protein to build and repair muscles (this is why I advise my bootcamp clients to eat them) and also for healthy cartilage, skin and blood. They are also good for those who are wanting to lose weight and cut back on carbohydrates. Besides the fact they are very nutritious, they are super yummy and can be cooked in many different ways such as poached, scrambled, baked and fried.
So during in my time playing around the kitchen I put together a little recipe. Now I’m not even sure if all these ingredients are meant to go together but I thought they tasted great.
Scrambled eggs in a roasted Capsicum
2 organice free range eggs
1 small diced zuchinni
1 red or yellow capsicum
1 garlic clove minced
1 bacon rash
1 Kale leaf diced (optional- handful of baby spinach)
Cooking fat or your choice. I chose Ghee- 1 tablespoon
1 pinch of dried mixed herbs
handful of cherry tomatoes
A button few mushrooms sliced
Salt and cracked black pepper to taste
Basil to garnish.
Optional: Goats cheese

1. Preheat oven to 170c
2. Cut capsicum in half and remove seeds inside. Place havles on a baking sheet and roast for 15mins
3. Heat a fry pan with fat/ oil. Add in Bacon, Leek, zuchinni, tomatoes, herbs and garlic until all is tender and bacon is cooked (not over cooked)
4. When capsicums are ready, take them out and drain any moisture from them
5. Spoon the ingredients- bacon and veggies into the capsicum halves.
6. Now with this option you could crack an egg on each half on top of the stuff or you can beat the eggs together to make scrambled eggs consistency. I went with the scrambled eggs.
7. Now that the capsicums have been filled and eggs have been placed in, put the capsicums back in the over and bake for another 15mins.
8. Once all cooked together, you can garnish with fresh basil and serve.